Casual vs. Professional Art
Continuing off of last week's blog post, I have started to work out a resolution to my artist content issue. One reason why I was struggling to find a conclusion was because I couldn't get around the idea of categorizing my work because I feel like it is all a representation of myself. My first step was creating a new Instagram account for my dudes. Yes, the dudes now have a stage all to themselves! I still have a lot to decide before my issue is completely resolved, but I'm finally getting started after pondering the topic: Casual vs. Professional Art.
What it means to be "casual" or "professional" will vary from person to person, but this is my breakdown:
[Casual] loose, free, less strict / mainly for fun
[Professional] higher standard / practiced, skilled in for a career
I reflected on my art to see where these ideas could fit in. So far, I have concluded that my dudes are more "casual". They definitely have the potential to be "professional", but my dudes aren't something I primarily focus on in my work. On the other hand, I love them very much and want to share them with everyone, which resulted in the creation of their own Instagram account.
In retrospect, this move shouldn't have been so drawn out (but I am indecisive and overthink a lot haha). In conjunction with casual vs. professional, I've been thinking about strategic sharing. I don't know if this is an actual thing with a proper name, but I'm just going to use that term. For me, strategic sharing is this idea that I don't have to share every piece of art everywhere, but rather to pick and choose the best places or means to share that specific piece of art.
Even though strategic sharing makes sense, I find it incredibly difficult to utilize since it's a general idea with various options (again, I'm indecisive). Other than the dudes, I'm stuck on where else to divide my work.
These are the kinds of questions I am currently asking myself:
What would have its own social media platform? Are there "ranks" of platforms? If so, what would be in the higher and lower ranks? Is there anything that I shouldn't share? Should some things have exclusive/ limited access to? If I opened an online shop, what would go in it? What would I or wouldn't I enter in shows?
I still have many things to work out, but I'm happy that I'm getting somewhere. If you have any thoughts on matter or if you're struggling with your options like me, please feel free to leave a comment.
Stay tuned for further updates, and until next time~
Shannon owo