Website Revamp
Over the past week, I've made a great effort to improve my website. I'm really picky about how I represent myself and overall, I wasn't happy with certain functions in my website. I thought all I needed to do was a template change and some updates, however, I ended up completely redoing everything.
It's true that hard work pays off. I'm still not as savvy as I would like to be when it comes to Squarespace and I still have a lot to do with my website, but for now, it largely does what I want it to. I like how the projects are organized and displayed. I think the homepage will look nicer once I have more content. Most importantly- everything is up-to-date!
I look forward to being more involved with my site. It's great to display the work I have created, but I'd like to do so much more. For one, I want to write more blog posts. I love reading tips and perspectives from other artists and I would like to start participating in that too! I have some plans for the future, but that's for another time.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve my site, feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear some feedback and know if there's anything you'd like to see (e.g. more blog posts, work in progress pics, videos, etc).
Thanks for reading~